Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Monday, May 15, 2006

To those who use stones, herbs, oils, candles, spells,

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

To those who use stones, herbs, oils, candles, spells, etc., to effect a healing,  A step on the way to letting go and better healing modalities. Just think this particular set of words brings on immediate feelings of peace, warmth or cool breezes and some may feel the small electrical feeling tht moves through them as it takes effect. Not 40 days from now, but immediately. sometimes sooner than the time you spend in saying the phrases. Sometimes, I just hold the persons finger in my hand and say the statements and continue to hold it for five minutes and other things heal as well, as i did not limit the healing to a particular point such as a joint or organ etc. It puts you higher than the angels and demi-gods..., it puts you at the level of a loving presense that is aligned with the one true and perfect power, the source. -- michael


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