Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What Time Has Wrought!

To say the least, several minds have been guiding me with their skills as mediums, psychics, tea leaf readers and more. The month in which to look for these events and developments were right on!

May expect some developments on the Location you live in as there will be major reasons for moving.

June money will cross the table for those that own homes on the block and They will demolish the structures and build new. Also a return to business in Holistic Healing others via the Internet.A man behind the board or scene will believe in you and you will be offered a Publishing job as well. Expect to return to school for two years on this subject and you will love it as there is a strong feeling that you wil devote your life seven days a week on the books.

August you will be traveling and have to visit a Dentist.

September expect romance to enter your life and there will be three to choose from.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


desire to lose weight for the summer? then try my link to:
Michael R is an Herbalife distributor from Watervliet, NY. This site has a lot of information and links about my Herbalife business including information on the great products and information about how to start your own home business. it is free today for the star of summer. Lose weight the easy way..., with a cool tasty shake that is a complete meal in itself. Substitute two meals and eat a normal supper and watch the weight scale reflect it by the end of two or three weeks and then in six weeks when people begin to more than notice and by the 12th week they will be asking you what are you doing?!!!

substitute for soda in a healthy tasteful way

Michael Ramirez P,S. I love this add on at home beverage :D
We all know soda isn't healthy, but giving it up is not always easy. Are ther...

Monday, May 28, 2012


Experimented with another dish I made Eggs Cinnamon Chili Spice cheese on some pita bread and heated up some broccoli I found an indian market so I bought some Mango Juice! And multi-grain flat pitta entitled Flat out Fold it by the way it was suggested by reading on Andrea Dan's posting. Yummy

Sunday, May 27, 2012

*For those of you new to numerology, please check these past articles for the very simple formula to acquire your Birth and Destiny Numbers; I have found them very accurate  especially as a private ybterview of anyone and any thing in life coupled with astrology it defines and the astrology gives events a time line and coupled with palmistry it blows open what you thought was a very private life.

 go up then go to my site on facebook to see my photos etc!   By the way that young lady loves to do my make over when she gets in town.  I promised her Christmas.  I intand to be treating her to my time share stay over that week.  Wish me Luck or so...!

Listen to the video in the middle of the page. The guy talks about how to get the most of the Herbalife sales system. He seems to be saying that it can work really well over time (several months, maybe a year) but that new people should understand that they do have to put in the effort, actively generate leads, follow up with customers and clients, and so on.

"New Herbalife Review: Information That The Gurus Are Not Telling You"

Who Am I?

Understanding the Creation through Math or Numbers The Judgement: Four Before The Twenty-One Elders -- four numbers create man and one names him/her. The Four Bodies are represented by numbers as are the twenty-one Elders. They exist in what we call our consciousness and more, they are our counciousness body, mind body, our emotional body and our psyche body which precede our physical re-alized reality. They exist in our Love or Soul created by our Spirit which exists in what we call Heaven and has never left it. Creations of Spirit, they are spherical and are photographed at times by our digital cameras. The dark forces may disconnect our Soul Body from the Consciousness spherical Creations and our Astral may release or break the cord from the golden bowl that rest within our Solar Area. Our Life Cycle may terminate, But that Female Side of Us has never left Heaven and if we ask the Source to cause the dark entities to Dream Heaven, "which they cannot!" They will break up into nothingness. If they did then they would be in Heaven and not willingly return to the darkness where they exist. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

taking active part in bringing about Heaven

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Considering into your Projects and establishing a New World in which the Fantasy Story Book Life with all the problems of Today's World is non-existent!? Where it is replaced with a Made in Heaven Story Book Life without all the world problems of Today's existence.

I have talked to many in person up until today and introduced you to the Deli Counter where you used to by the old and outdated, problematic world of religion, had to believe that the item in the Deli Case could be your answer to today's problems in your life if you would just believe!

Then I introduced you to my way of viewing, in which you had a taste of the item in the Deli Case and then could taste and feel the reason to believe much more as you physically tasted of it and saw it work in your reality. I introduced you to the concept of a Reality based on your Pictured Intent in which your focus applied a Time Stamp and like the Television then spread the picture to form your Reality!

I taught you to change your focus and picture a different reality and bring about a Healing! This Healing was on many different levels! Well Today, I bring you the latest! And I invite youto go to the URL ..., "!" And I introduce you to The Source of that! By inviting you to actually taste of the item it is revealing the level you have been looking for! Not the Horizon's view of the world is ending! The introduction of Hope and Joy! Bringing in the New World!--Michael

P.S. Just let the Source know I sent You!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Love's Energy!

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Love is the underlying force that motivates us. We do not have to try to be in a loving mood to do great healing work, since love is your nature. Similarly, water does not have to try to be wet, it is simply its nature. Once you understand this, then feeling your love can only make the healing work better. We are always co-creating our reality. This is the blessing we call consciousness or Being Alive! How powerful is it? Look around! Our reality is the result of our pictured intent! We have a choice to use creativity and make the changes rather than be locked into our fears that only accents our 'dis-comfort or dis-ease.' One of the unique qualities of Quantum-Touch is that it elegantly works in conjunction with any other healing modality, and is a great stand alone therapy as well. Chiropractors buy into it as they evaluate it mentally and conceive that it is an advanced form of chiropractic since bones glide back into alighnment with only a light touch. Acupuncturist, naturopaths, osteopaths, physical therapists, Reiki masters, chi quong, cranial sacral pratitioners..., you name it. They all admit that this work transforms their practice. Quantum-Touch allows people to easily hold an extremely high vibration in their hands through breathing, and body awareness exercises. This can cause a field of energy that can profoundly accelerate healing in organs, glands and tissues of the body. Pain and inflamation are rapidly reduced as a consequence of the healing. This truly embodies the essence of what makes Quantum-Touch effective. The practitioner learns to hold a high vibration in his/her hands, then through resonance and entrainment, the person you are working with matches that vibration with you. The body does it's own healing - the practioner just holds a resonance. You see, the definition of a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly. All the practitioner does is 'hold' the vibration. This is why you really can not heal anybody else. Everyone heals themselves. By holding a high vibration, the practitioner never becomes drained or sick from doing the work. I am able to increase the focus through use of carefully constructed statement's. See my Affirmational/Prayer Technique which by the way is non-religious. I affirm my willingess to accept my healing, my willingness to release all cords, attachments and imprints of emotions etc., as related to the experience and then be open to accept my greater good. I realized that sound is keyed and words in chorus quicken the concentrated focus-that by reciting a word or sound one has struck a note, while several notes make make a chord, several scores make a tune that makes you feel bad or good. Biblically, the 'Word' (or sound, 'Big Bang?!') was and creation came into existence echo's of that beig bang are virbrations that affix in an instant of creation a precept of creation that our intent and focus through love is sampled and interpreted by our sense's as 'time and reality. As my daughter said, in her vision she was invited to jump from the green clouds into the sky, but she was afraid and chose to just sit on the edge and listen to the chorus of sounds that although, they were different, they were like a symphony in harmony and all together.This high vibration gets activated through simple and powerful breathing techniques and body awareness exercises. Everyone succeeds since the techniques are so easy and natural to do, and our ability to run energy is truly hard wired into us. There are no attunements or special things you need to learn or receive from a master. As in the use of words, a simple rhyme can make you feel better and poetry make you aware of more. Incantations and spells fall into the category like notes of a song when put together form an atunement that is said to start the vibes in a certain direction by intent. This atonement is better seen when one recites my words found on for healing and bringing a change into a certain part of their life. The sky or imagination is the limit in this case. Just as one can feel the energy movement from pointer on the right scribing from a slight distance of ten inches on the left hand, or when centered one can feel one's thoughts or speech pulse on the left open palm or finger tips one can feel the energy flow each time one recites the particular phrase or phrases as instructed. Words are Musical Notes or Vibrational tools for composing melodies that start physical things on the Quantum Level. Today chiropractors are using a modality called wave healing. Acupuncture schools could well use this form using the key points in healing over needles. It is now part of the curricualar at a naturopathic college. I have given a experiential talk before a class of nurses at Hudson Valley Community College, where a teacher felt grounded for the first time and heard voices in his head that advised him to not fear as everything would be alright. Despite the fact that individual chiropractors and acupuncturists love my classes and joyfully integrate the work, their institutions are just now open to going in this direction. I guarantee that everyone will be able to see that they can move bones into alignment with a light touch, or they can have all their money back. I offer this to help people get over their fear of failure, and to demonstrate my confidence that everyone can lear to do this. The truth is that everyone who wants to move bones with a light touch are able to on the first day of class, I get a lot of joy watching people measure a person's hip, clearly identify that one hip is over a half inch longer on one side, then moments later, just touching the hips, become astounded that the bones are now equal in length. It is possible, through affirmaton and release of the imprint, for the condition to last a very long time or may even be permanent. Since no invasive force is generated, the body does not push agains the change. Children just love this work, and I often have kids in my classes. It really seems to be something that boosts a child's self-esteem to see that they can do something so completely amazing. I desire that kids know that the world is a magical place and they are fully capable doing wonderful things. I firmly believe that using Love through Quantum-Touch can and in fact should be integrated into a wide range of modalities. The impact this has on physiology is immediate, obvious and profound. I further believe that we will eventually have a major impact in the field of psychology. When two or preferably more as is done in the Hong Shu Medicine-less Hospital in China, where doctors or people run energy into someone's head, within five or six minutes, most people move into incredibly deep states of meditation, and their eyes move involuntarily. When people wake up after a session, it is like rebooting the brain. People become totally refreshed and rebalanced. The traumas and fears seem to have temporarily melted away. As people work to strengthen their positive identifications, by the end of a weekend workshop, no one in the room seems to care even a little bit about the past. I have been told that getting over the past is the central goal of most psychotherapy. Using my word phrases, it is a simple two minute affirmation of release of fears etc., etc., and affirming ones good. Perhaps, we have an elegant way of getting there in minutes.I believe that some day, people will realize that life-force is real. When life-force energy is studied, it will have a profound impact on our understanding of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and psychology. I further believe that in time, a new branch of science I like to call "life-force science" will be established, embracing all the various modalities. I imagine healing will be taught in every school, practiced in every institution, and studied in every university. one day, ordinary people will know that healing is real and that everyone can do it. I envision a time when people know that our gentle, soft love is immensely powerful, and that our fast impulse is to share that love. finally, I believe that this is the world way of creating, and I welcome everyone who wants in. From the moment that two copulate opening the doors to many universes and bring forth a new entity, to the moment that the entity decides to exit.--mick

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

experiencing a form of Tinnitus,

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

If your experiencing a form of Tinnitus, Inner Ear Ringing or such., you may have to cut all cords and attachments to and from your past lives as  'Wicken,' and also to and from mother earth. As I said to my friend, sometimes it takes time to fully let go and then things clear up. Well, while speaking to him after the New Year, at which time he related that the cone shaped protrusion had in indeed disappeared and no pain was evident since. That was last August, two months as of the time I visited him at which time I had given him two treatments during my visit. He laughed, "But I still will not give you credit!"

"It's okay!' I said, as i reminded him that the other thing about that it might become cancerous and he was destined to die from it soon. To which he was happy to hear he would not be locked up in his room anymore. What relief. "Well, the good news is that the threat of cancer is no longer there. The bad news is that your no longer going to die this year or anytime soon.!" I laughed. (oh!, you should have heard his-you had to get me!)

I am that loving presence

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

 that is aligned with the True and Perfect Power, the Source. I choose to meld, bond, ground, root and reconnect my Intuitive Intelligence with that Source. I thank Source for my miraculous heaven made body daily upon awakening. I thank Source for having created all of these heavenly resources that I may use just by asking for it '...with Grace (and not my greed, avrice etc., etc.,) and I accept my healing and release all imprints of the negative that disturb me and focus on Love's Grace from which all healing comes. Not of my will, but the Will of Love Be, through me to "___," for their highest and best good in their specific concern. In my name I ask and I give thanks acknowledging that It Is as Source will correct our err. (it was my first lesson in the Prodical Son..., 'you never asked!') All I ask is granted as long as it is practical and not with malice or greed. --Michael

I am that loving presence That formed as You!

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Your fears of missuse of power and prayers should be alayed if you ground in your Source and ask Source
"if it be proper, Then change the direction of this or split this that it may pass with Grace. On the Outer Plane, the Inner Plane and the Physical Plane.