Sounds from the Past affecting the Future
Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureLet this be your MANTRA, Feel the Earth Rumble under your feet..., Your next emphasis as worker for the Light after meditation on the Yantra of Aton..., draw the Yantra on my site...,
Yes perhaps massive distruction this next coming year, storms, earthquakes, tsuami's, foreclosures, unemployment, note by the end of October, remember WUTCO overlooked the possibility of domino effect, etc., but, for you who are locking in to your highest source and rooting your intuition to your highest source...,.
Intuition Programming Into Your Highest Source!
Every day in every way I am perfect!
I am the loving presence that is aligned
with the One, True and perfect Power,
my Highest Source!
My increasing powers are for serving humanity
I am in complete control over my senses and
faculties at every dimension of my soul, mind,
body, psyche, love, emotion and multi-dimensional
body, including the outer sensing
Positive thoughts bring me benefits and
advantages that I choose!
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