Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Monday, June 05, 2006


Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Dearest Susan Komen:

The technique I choose for beginners to experience true healingI is something I developed while studying Raja Yoga, Mystic Healing, Prayer Healing, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch. It is the following affirmation that I teach in my classes. I know it sound difficult to believe but even a four year old can repeat the phrase along with you. (in stages of course!)

Imagine holding your hands palmed around the afflicted area of the spine or abdomen gently,or just over your own shoudlers pointing down your spine. Rrepeat the following and hold that position a few moments or so beyond the phrase repeating it several times.

“I accept my healing or blessing! I release the imprint, cutting all cords and attachments to past experience held in mind, in emotion, in psyche, in this physcal cellular body, of pain or discomfort from my spirit to my soul, from my soul to my mind, from my mind to my psyche, from my psyche to my physical cellular body, from my physical cellular body to my multi-dimensional bodies Not my will, but the will of love, through me for 'my' highest and best good in this concern..., in my name '___.' Thank You, So be it!
And then release the arms to a normal position. Then go over your change of feelings. Is it warmer, more peaceful? ...., did you feel the tingling of energy or a wave sweep over you?" It really does not require you feel anything for a change to take effect.

Some people desire to use a religious figures name in stead of their own, but I advise them that it is not that religious figure that is having the problem and asking of Love for a true healing. Love is our nature, like wet is to water. It is not religious.

Love is Consciousness, ecstasy, joy, rapture. It is US and the air around us, without dimension or time, before it is energy.

Then do it for your whole body, by imagining your self bathing under a waterfall, with the water washing through your body as well as around it, just like it was washing around a small animal or bird. All of the particles of matter which is not a good part of your body washing away in the flow to mother earth. This while repeating the phrase above. Do this as often as you can during the day.

Lots of Love -- Michael Ramirez


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