Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future: October 2004

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future: October 2004

In the 70’s my interest was aroused by the French and Canadian attempts to modify or influence the gender of a child at birth by diet. They failed to note the results giving them 85 percent chance was the same as the Astrologist claim to using the male/female concept of the signs as being useful in achieving the same since it also gave them a 85 percent chance. I looked closely at it and decided that what they had overlooked was that the moon’s position in relation to the sun in the birth chart was useful in calculation of the woman’s fertility. Watching the approaching moon and realizing that she would be fertile within a said amount of hours prior and afterward, looking at the moons position relative to the sign being in a male or female sign, I then calculated the time in which it would be in the desired sign while she was fertile. This was collaborated with scientist from Alexandra. They desired a male child and the result was a male child in the sign of Gemini. I have had a female and a male child in that order to protect the boy from the demon, a female is required as first born. That was calculated to the minute. The result was more than I would have thought to achieve as the language capability of the female was as I had considered. The musical side was also beyond my ideal. She has attended Bu for 4 years, NYU for two and is due to be in Rochester for her doctorate at 23. The boy was born with the signs similar to mine and to the 1 degree of Pisces Rising and Sun in Cancer. Oh Yes! Just a thought I did emphasize that the woman change her diet accordingly to bring her to a alkaline or acid environment within the vagina so that the sperm would be able to travel accordingly…etc., the two methods were documented in the mid 70’s and entered in the medical journals, regardless of what other writers have written in books claiming the acid/alkaline value was the key, it was only half the key! The remaining untold portion of the key was in the hands of the astrologist. Neither was able to put it together as I did!!! Oh! One more thing, inorder to circumvent the diet requirement, the medical publications mentioned the use of baking soda or vinegar in a douche to change the woman's vaginal environment to accept or assist the selection by making it a acidic or alkaline environement without the diet change. And these were noted in medical journals as I had requested the scientist to do so without giving credit to anyone in particular as the French and Canadian Scientist plus the Astrologist had already come up with the basic ideal, I only put it together. Sorry no book was written at that time, although, some woman doctor did recently write a book and claim the acidic/alkaline information as her discovery and established test..., but that would only give her the 85 percent probability, the other 85 percent bringing up the accuracy would be the Astrologist analysis and that would give 95 percent probability. (click on the upper left hand side on Astrology if your personally interested in GENDER SELECTION)—Michael Ramirez


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