the word 'malak' is translated angel
Sounds from the Past affecting the Future
*1, In the Hebrew, the word 'malak' is translated angel. In the Greek it is aggelos. But a truer rendering of both these Hebrew and Greek words is agent or messenger. The word angel occurs over 300 times in both the Old and New Testaments. In all these places the word agent or messenger would, in my opinion, be a better translation, as our minds have been muddied and distorted by the word angel. For when this word is used we immediately conjure up an image of a naked infant cherubim with tiny wings and no genitalia floating around innocently with a little bow and arrow. Or of a huge glorious being with enormous wings protruding from somewhere between his shoulder blades and illuminated from behind by a huge spotlight!
Nothing could be further form the truth-I present a more detailed evaluation of these messengers or agents. But lest we should stray from our present focus, suffice to say that these messengers always appear as men. They eat and drink and are mistaken for ordinary human beings. Some are referred to by name and are also called 'men'. So they look like us. (Perhaps they are us!) They eat and drink like us, they wear clothes and they speak like us. But enough for now. Let it be known that ‘man’ is divine being or agent of heaven. Oh?! Yes! There was a fall and we must rise above our lower self.
I call upon my intuitive intelligence to meld, bond and ground with the True Source.
I am that loving presence that is alligned with the trueand perfect power-The Source.
That the Heaven Agent now accomplish the mission at the highest level possible!
I rest my case for mankind's future.-michael
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