Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I have studied many alternatives

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

to Dr. Shari Brasner, Mt. Sinai:Hospital, Aleisha, St. Peters Hospital and to the assistant administrator of Albany Medical Centre, the largest hospital in Albany, NY::

I have studied many alternatives including oils, herbs, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Prayer, Quantum Touch etc.,

I invite you to try the following:You may not believe in it, but you know it will not hurt to try.all those participating in this expierment should not put in there own ideals, but do exactly what is prescribed here...., you can always modify it as you learn from this experience.

Take six people and yourself, from a circle and hold hands, left facing up, right facing down.
State the following: "I accept this healing or protection."
I release the imprint of: and cut all cords and attachments of: " physical, mental and emotional pain, discomfort, disease, stress, past and present in this life and past lives....," from my mind, emotion, psyche and physical cellular structure.
I open up to my greater good in Love, wherein there is no physical, mental and emotional pain, discomfort, disease, stress,
"not my will, but the will of love, through me, to (target person) for (his/her) best good in all concerns, my name I ask, (why my name? because it is 'I,' that is asking the higher source.)
so be it!"
give the feeling a couple of minutes to set in and then check yourself for how much did you relax, soothe your heart, feel energy tickle you as it moved through you, feel warmth or coolness and realize you have turned it over to the highest source and leave it there!

Monday, May 15, 2006

To those who use stones, herbs, oils, candles, spells,

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

To those who use stones, herbs, oils, candles, spells, etc., to effect a healing,  A step on the way to letting go and better healing modalities. Just think this particular set of words brings on immediate feelings of peace, warmth or cool breezes and some may feel the small electrical feeling tht moves through them as it takes effect. Not 40 days from now, but immediately. sometimes sooner than the time you spend in saying the phrases. Sometimes, I just hold the persons finger in my hand and say the statements and continue to hold it for five minutes and other things heal as well, as i did not limit the healing to a particular point such as a joint or organ etc. It puts you higher than the angels and demi-gods..., it puts you at the level of a loving presense that is aligned with the one true and perfect power, the source. -- michael

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Do the following:You may not believe in it, but you know it will not hurt to try those participating in this experiment should not put in there own ideals, but do exactly what is prescribed here....,

Take six people and yourself, from a circle and hold hands, left facing up, right facing down.

State the following:

"I accept this healing or protection."
I release the imprint of, cut all cords and attachments of: " physical, mental and emotional pain, discomfort, disease, stress, past and present in this life and past lives....," from my mind, emotion, psyche and physical cellular structure.
I open up to my greater good in Love, wherein there is no physical, mental and emotional pain, discomfort, disease, stress,
"not my will, but the will of love, through me, to (target person) for (his/her) best good in all concerns, my name I ask, (why my name? because it is 'I,' that is asking the higher source.)
so be it!"

give the feeling a couple of minutes to set in and then relax and realize you have turned it over to their highest source and leave it there!
Healing will occur on all levels. without you having to say "oh attend to this particular..., etc.,!"

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Yesterday, my friend called due to a personal problem with some worker that she was experiencing. While I asked her to put the individual in a beautiful light and went to work with the word technique for placing the person in pink mirrors with permission from the individuals higher source, Who walked in?! Yes, and not too soon, as we worked on the word phrase, she had him in the light! he said i want to talk to you and then stopped., next, he walked around sort of confused and then turned to her as she asked him what he needed..., and said "I can't remember." and he left.

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

I often am faced with people desiring to use, in place of "in my name" the name of Jesus or such., I must explain that it is not Jesus that is asking for a healing, or accepting the healing from Divine Source. It is you. therefore, you must use "in my name etc.,...., I cannot stipulate to you how important it is., the only variant is in the release of etc., and in its balancing it with the opposite example fears vs Love (which has no fear,) I think that It is enough for me to just give a pointer and not necessarily explain it down to the itty bitty nitty gritty. I do hold calsses on individual or group basis on Monday or Tuesday Night in Watervliet. see my pro add on talking and search my name.-michael

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Entangled Minds

Entangled Minds

The Consciousness envelope is a state if ecstasies. A state we perhaps know as Love. Wherein none of what we acknowledge is of our re-alized mentall picture, Intent has placed the Time Stamp as it is brought in through our Focused sensory projector.--michael

The vision I had of the First Chakra is: the elephant, Ganeesh with a white four leaf lotus atop it's back wherein male and female god are having some tea and pastries, while the male tales the never-ending-story. Just above them is the whispy white cobra Kundalini, rising from their midst ascending from the lotus at a point just above their turbans. Resulting as a side affect of the interaction of the male and female principle. The elephant is the three energies, ida, needa and pingala, Dr. Kaku one of the C2C guests often is looking for the application and interaction of the male/female etc., it is right there in the vision.--michael

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Greg Braden::

Feeling-based Affirmation: While we may not always know the “Why” when tragedy strikes, scientific studies have now proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the power of affirmation to improve conditions in times of need specifically feeling-based affirmation is undeniable. Feeling-based affirmation is a form of prayer that transcends any single religion or doctrine, and goes directly to the natural ability within each of us to participate in the events of life, healing, and peace directly, responsibly and effectively.

To implement this mode of affirmation, we are invited to simply focus the feeling in our hearts as if our affirmations are already answered (i.e., the people in the affected areas are safe, sheltered and cared for.) Detailed information on feeling-based affirmation is available in the article below this one on this page of my website as well as in the book The Isaiah Effect and the CD sets of Speaking the Lost Language of God(s) “Source.”

Long term: Fact: Earth is in a process of change that is unprecedented in recorded human history; a magnetic polar reversal. Forecasts suggest that we have not seen the last of the anomalous rains, droughts, temperature extremes and bizarre weather patterns connected to such a reversal. It also stands to reason that we have not seen the last of the kind of storms that can wipe an entire city from the face of the earth in a matter of hours.

Acknowledging that we are living a time unlike any in recorded history, it makes perfect sense to prepare in a way that is unlike any other time, as well. It is simply the responsible thing to do. We have seen in dramatic detail that in times of disaster, the authorities may not be able to respond quickly to a given situation. Whether it is a category five hurricane, a tsunami, a raging forest fire in the desert southwest, or the snow and ice storms that are predicted for the New England states this winter, it makes tremendous sense to prepare in a way that is reasonable, meaningful and responsible:
1. Be personally responsible for yourself and your family with the basic necessities of life in your home and automobile for a minimum of four to five days.
2. Have a family disaster plan so that you can find one another in the event that disaster strikes. and
3. Be informed.
4. Be prepared to help others.

In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, we cannot help but to see how truly fragile our civilization and our infrastructure really are in the face of natural forces. During such times we are also reminded of the strength and resilience of human life. The ancient Essenes, believed to be scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls, remind us that the world around us responds to the forces of affirmations within us. When thought, feeling and emotion become one, you will say to the mountain move and the mountain will move. As we find ourselves in the midst of the great changes of our time, we may well discover that our survival ultimately depends upon our ability to do precisely that!

Gregg Braden

Affirmation From The Heart (Entreaty for Intervention from one’s Higher Source)
A Clarification for the Lost Mode of Prayer (entreaty, supplication, petition for Divine intervention from one’s own higher source, with regards to what one sees as a hopeless crisis or situation.)

Perhaps now, more than at any time in our history, the choices that we make in our lives have lasting effects, and global consequences, that will extend for hundreds of generations into our future. In light of the escalating global tensions, recent studies offer new hope, and renewed credibility to our most cherished traditions, suggesting that we may do something about the seemingly unending cycles of violence, and future of our world.

Statistics have shown that a specific number of people, joined in a focused, unified consciousness of non-denominational mass prayer, produce effects that extend well beyond the room or building where the prayer has occurred.

That number is the square root of 1% of the population involved. These studies add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that focusing our feelings of appreciation and gratitude, as if our prayers have already been answered, have a measurable effect on the quality of life during the time of the affirmation.

Following our description of this lost mode of prayer in the book, The Isaiah Effect, your emails and phone calls have asked for further clarification as to precisely how to apply this prayer in our lives. Clearly there “are no right or wrong way’s” to pray. In its simplest expression, prayer is the very personal and innate ability within each of us to commune with our world, one another, and a greater presence. The lost mode of prayer is simply one more tool to place into our affirmation tool box.

Lost Mode of Prayer Described:
The lost mode of prayer is a form of prayer that has no words, no outward expression, and is based simply in feeling. Specifically, this mode of prayer invites us to feel the appreciation and gratitude in our heart, as if our prayers have already been answered, even if the world appears to show us otherwise.

This is where clarity is important.
As evidence suggests that our world and our bodies mirror what we think/feel, we must be very clear that our prayers originate from our hearts, rather than in our heads, and the projection of mind through our senses, as we add the modality of time to it, does project our desired into our created reality we experience.

Here is the reason why:
The logic of our brain works in polarity left brain/right brain, upperbrain/lower brain light/dark, good/positive-negative based reality, right/wrong, love/fear, etc. Praying for something creates a strong feeling a charge of what should or should not be. The physics of our world require that when something is created with a charge in one polarity, the opposite must be created as well, to balance the charge.

Head-based prayer:
When we pray for something, we are using a mental process of logic! While thought-based prayers for peace in Iraq, for example, may be well-intentioned and appear to create a temporary peace or healing in one place at one point in time, they may inadvertently create precisely the opposite of the peace that is intended, in another place, at another time!

Heart-based affirmation:
Our hearts, on the other hand, have no polarity. In the Native traditions, there is even a word that describes the non-polar objectiveness of the heart, the heart that sees what is rather than judges what should be. The word is Shante Ishta (the single eye of the heart). When we choose peace or healing from our heart, there is no polarity created to balance our choice, as there is no left and right heart.

From our heart, the feeling is the affirmation! Studies have shown that this quality of gratitude and appreciation for the peace that already exists creates a field effect in the presence of peace, all that can happen is peace.

To be very clear, this form of affirmation is NOT directed at a place, person, organization, country, city or event. This mode of affirmation does NOT attempt to make something Happen! Somewhere where we may not agree with what life is showing us. The ancients understood that to use prayer in this way is an abomination of our gift of communion with our world. To impose our idea of what should, or should not be anywhere in the world, or upon another person, is a form of manipulation, and a misuse of our gift of prayer.

Rather than praying for someone to win / lose , suffer or heal , we have the opportunity to feel the appreciation and gratitude for the peace and healing that already exists. The power of this kind of affirmation transcends winners and loser inviting us to elevate the conditions of our world to a new realm beyond win/loss. In doing so, we open the door of a very subtle, yet powerful principle that allows for the possibility of peace/healing to be present without imposing our will to make it so.

If this clarification appears too wordy, please accept my sincere apologies. The principle is simple: In the presence of peace, all that can happen is peace.

You are invited to join us for an empowering moment of unity, peace, affirmation and possibility. Through our time together, we offer the power of life to our children, and our world, both present and future. Many thanks in advance for your willingness to make our world a better place!!

Many Blessings of a true and lasting peace,

1. Please refer to THE LOST MODE OF PRAYER on Gregg Braden's official web site,, for more information, and precise instructions for the practice of feeling-based prayer.

2. Scientists suspect that the relationship between mass prayer and the effect of those prayers is due to a phenomenon known as the field effect of consciousness. It is this field effect that becomes available for the children of the world to tap into. Additionally, those making the policies that affect the future and direction of our world are linked to precisely the same prayer fields that we will access during our vigil, and may benefit to the degree that they choose, even without direct participation

Michael’s Guide to Affirm Atonal Conditioning

I accept my healing! I release, the imprint of: “__discomfort, pain, allergy, asthma, disease crisis or situation__,” from Mind, Emotion, Psyche, and from my physical cellular structure, Cutting all cords and attachments to past life experiences that may be reflecting in the present as: at this point put in your fears, anxiety, disease, discomfort, stress, phobia, injury, etc., etc., from Mind, Emotion, Psyche, physical cellular level, ligaments, blood, etc., etc, etc.,
I open and accept my greater good:at this point put in the opposit of what you addressed in the imprint release...,...not of my will, ...but the Will of Love (my nature),...through me to "______________,”
...for the highest and best good in this concern, my name I ask, (or in behalf of "_______________," I ask)...Thank You, So Be It! (now keeping the same quiet pose just feel the changes that your experiencing as the result of this activity.)---Michael Ramirez