Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Monday, June 05, 2006

the word 'malak' is translated angel

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

*1, In the Hebrew, the word 'malak' is translated angel. In the Greek it is aggelos. But a truer rendering of both these Hebrew and Greek words is agent or messenger. The word angel occurs over 300 times in both the Old and New Testaments. In all these places the word agent or messenger would, in my opinion, be a better translation, as our minds have been muddied and distorted by the word angel. For when this word is used we immediately conjure up an image of a naked infant cherubim with tiny wings and no genitalia floating around innocently with a little bow and arrow. Or of a huge glorious being with enormous wings protruding from somewhere between his shoulder blades and illuminated from behind by a huge spotlight!

Nothing could be further form the truth-I present a more detailed evaluation of these messengers or agents. But lest we should stray from our present focus, suffice to say that these messengers always appear as men. They eat and drink and are mistaken for ordinary human beings. Some are referred to by name and are also called 'men'. So they look like us. (Perhaps they are us!) They eat and drink like us, they wear clothes and they speak like us. But enough for now. Let it be known that ‘man’ is divine being or agent of heaven. Oh?! Yes! There was a fall and we must rise above our lower self.

I call upon my intuitive intelligence to meld, bond and ground with the True Source.

I am that loving presence that is alligned with the trueand perfect power-The Source.

That the Heaven Agent now accomplish the mission at the highest level possible!

I rest my case for mankind's future.-michael

If you try the blessing of self

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

If you try the blessing of self and then find over the next three days differences that you can attribute to this blessing, I would appreciate hearing from you. send me an E-mail on my web or enter in a testimonial in my link on either by clicking on contact or using the testimonial page perferably. Thanks. Michael

The supreme goal of spiritual transformatio

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future



The supreme goal of spiritual transformation is to reproduce divine perfection in the soul, the ‘Heart, of spirit. When spiritual seekers can ground, bond and meld with the true source. When one can say that they have acquired divine freedom and conquered fate, only then can they become true prophets, seers, healers, and initiators. When one assuming responsibility to manifest a made in heaven solution that the divine agent now realize into our sensory reality of worldly sensual experience the desired. Only then can one teach others. Only one who has set ‘self’ free-can set others free.

The technique I choose for beginners to experience true healingI is something I developed while studying Raja Yoga, Mystic Healing, Prayer Healing, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, astrology, numerology and palmistry. It is the following affirmation that I teach in my classes. Like notes in music, the words set up the proper vibrational chords and melody to bring about a blessing. I know it may sound difficult to believe but even a four year old can repeat the phrase along with you. (in stages of course!)

Imagine holding your hands palmed around the afflicted area of the spine or abdomen gently or just over your own shoudlers pointing down your spine. Repeat the following and hold that position a few moments or so beyond the phrase repeating it several times.

“I accept my healing or blessing! I release the imprint of “fear, pain or discomfort,” cutting all cords and attachments to past experience held in mind, in emotion and in psyche of “fear, pain or discomfort.” I open up to my greater good-Love. As love is my nature, my consciousness, my joy, my rapture. Not of my will, but the will of love, through me for 'my' highest and best good in this concern. In my name '___' I ask. Thank You, So be it!

And then release the arms to a normal position. Then go over your change of feelings. Is it warmer, more peaceful? ...., did you feel the tingling of energy or a wave sweep over you?" It really does not require you feel anything for a change to take effect. Some people desire to use a religious figure's name instead of their own, but I advise them that it is not that religious figure that is having the problem and asking of Love for a true healing. Love is our nature, like wet is to water. It is not religious. Love is Consciousness, ecstasy, joy, rapture. Love does not contain any of the negative or positive we relate to in our worldly sensual experience. It is Us and the air around us, without dimension or time, before it is energy.

Then take time to cleanse your whole body, by imagining your self bathing under a waterfall, with the water washing through your body as well as around it, just like it was washing around a small animal or bird. All of the particles of matter which is not a good part of your body washing away in the flow to mother earth. cleansing your cells, ligaments lymph nodes and unclogging them. This while repeating the phrase above. Do this as often as you can during the day. Lots of Love -- Michael Ramirez


Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Dearest Susan Komen:

The technique I choose for beginners to experience true healingI is something I developed while studying Raja Yoga, Mystic Healing, Prayer Healing, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch. It is the following affirmation that I teach in my classes. I know it sound difficult to believe but even a four year old can repeat the phrase along with you. (in stages of course!)

Imagine holding your hands palmed around the afflicted area of the spine or abdomen gently,or just over your own shoudlers pointing down your spine. Rrepeat the following and hold that position a few moments or so beyond the phrase repeating it several times.

“I accept my healing or blessing! I release the imprint, cutting all cords and attachments to past experience held in mind, in emotion, in psyche, in this physcal cellular body, of pain or discomfort from my spirit to my soul, from my soul to my mind, from my mind to my psyche, from my psyche to my physical cellular body, from my physical cellular body to my multi-dimensional bodies Not my will, but the will of love, through me for 'my' highest and best good in this concern..., in my name '___.' Thank You, So be it!
And then release the arms to a normal position. Then go over your change of feelings. Is it warmer, more peaceful? ...., did you feel the tingling of energy or a wave sweep over you?" It really does not require you feel anything for a change to take effect.

Some people desire to use a religious figures name in stead of their own, but I advise them that it is not that religious figure that is having the problem and asking of Love for a true healing. Love is our nature, like wet is to water. It is not religious.

Love is Consciousness, ecstasy, joy, rapture. It is US and the air around us, without dimension or time, before it is energy.

Then do it for your whole body, by imagining your self bathing under a waterfall, with the water washing through your body as well as around it, just like it was washing around a small animal or bird. All of the particles of matter which is not a good part of your body washing away in the flow to mother earth. This while repeating the phrase above. Do this as often as you can during the day.

Lots of Love -- Michael Ramirez