Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureAnne DeClue wrote:
From: "Anne DeClue"
Subject: Fw: Health News - July 15th
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 12:04:49 -0700
I signed the petition at Honest Weight and also sent a letter by e-mail to congress that Citizens for Health sent me. If this legislation goes through I guess our government leaders will still have their own supply of vitamins, etc. from a secret source. All of this "stuff" where there is a flagrant disregard for anyone who is not wealthy will eventually turn around and bite them in the their two-faced butt.
----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick McGrath, Citizens for Health
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 6:13 AM
Subject: Health News - July 15th
Health on the Hill
I. What's Next With Codex
Rome, July 5, 2005 -- After the second day of Codex Commission Rome meetings, in a room provided by the US Codex delegation, fifteen North American and European advocates for the consumer right to dietary supplement choice met and explored several possible avenues of action to blunt the impact of the Commission’s approval of restrictive vitamin and mineral trade guidelines. While the guidelines are the first step toward worldwide restriction of dietary supplement access, they have only indirect impact on national supplement regulation until adopted by national governments.
II. Your Government on Drugs
The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) has released the results of its year-long investigation into lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry, which found that the industry has spent more than $800 million since 1998 on lobbyists and political campaigns. In the past year alone, the industry hired nearly 1,300 lobbyists, including hundred of former public officials. "It is astonishing to learn that no other interest has spent more money to sway public policy in this time period," said CPI executive director Roberta Baskin. In addition to lobbying for industry-favorable policies domestically, the drug industry's trade lobby has enlisted the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to pressure pressure foreign governments into removing price controls on pharmaceuticals and restricting sales of lower-priced generic drugs.
>>Take Action
Take Action!
Protect Natural Health Choice--Tell Your Representative to Vote NO on CAFTA
The President and pro-corporate members of Congress are pushing for approval of the proposed Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) by the end of July, which would expand NAFTA. As long as this agreement fails to protect dietary supplement choice and opens the way for restrictive dietary supplement laws like those encouraged by the Codex vitamin and mineral guidelines, dietary supplement users should oppose it. Take a stand while there's still time. Join us!
Tell Congress to Give Health A FAIR Chance
We need to generate 50,000 letters to urge Congress to support the FAIR Health Agenda -- making healthier food / farming practices a priority, protecting access to dietary supplements and all health practitioners, creating a truly integrative health system and respecting individual's wisdom and giving individuals full and final responsibility for their health dollars and decision. Take action today! Help us send 50,000 letters to Give Health a FAIR Chance
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