Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureThe latest from Dr. Michael Gross regarding the lady and her ability to heal etc., in the story from Russia a few clips ago..., I am able to surpass her healing ability and they live a Yogin life. That I also do. Therefore, I acknowledge, that we are in according to Glen from, that we are in the 5th civilization, and they do not see a sixth. personally I would like to believe that there is a sixth and that their limited vision does not project what their mind can not picture..., that is the existance of a future that is rich in experience for the remaining people as they are in a higher vibration and existance glows in the Golden life style they live. perhaps the rapture is to a sister planet, and perhaps the hearts of those who are not loving will burst as I know from experience that certain people have had a morning wakeup call and rude awakening to find their heart burst and blood all over the walls and floor. Yes their life style was somewhat questionable.., and they had no heaven to look forward to. Sez la Vie. - Michael

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureThe Kolbrin is a collection of ancient manuscripts said to have been salvaged from the Glastonbury Abbey arson in 1184. The Kolbrin said to have a connection with Jesus historically through Joseph of Arimathea, they have been discussed by James McCanney and others. This site has been approved by a Culdian Trust member who has been chosen to represent the Kolbrin.
You can view some of the manuscripts online or buy the book in hard copy here. It has been rumored that Nikola Tesla acquired some knowledge from this book according to James McCanney. In the past, only a very select few, some might say an elite group, have had access to this book. Now, the current caretakers of this ancient knowledge believe ''these are the days of decision, when humankind stands at the crossroad,'' and are making the book available subject to explicit conditions. is the largest online source of information and content regarding the Kolbrin, this site is a partial electronic rendition of the original translation first published in New Zealand by the Culdian Trust. The group responsible for the first translation published believe that they are the of inheritors of the ancient wisdom of the Culdees of Britain who were part of the British or Keltic Christian community prior to its romanisation under Augustine, after which it suffered severely through persecution and suppression. However, it survived to a greater or lesser degree until the great persecutions of the late Middle Ages, when the flame was further extinguished, leaving only a few sparks surviving to kindle the present revival.

This is an important part of your biblical study..., check it out... its really interesting...michael

Friday, July 22, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the Futureto "MMB in Albany NY"
marriage not working?! Playing with someone else! Perhaps you require my service at least-if not more....?! Check my contact number and give a call. Never Let You Down Though You Thought I walked on Your Feelings. signed Clumsy

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureIn the NEW'SPeople of a Siberian tribe live for not less than 100 years and never suffer from diseases

When children of the tribe see people outside the settlements for the first time they got shocked that so many people drink alcohol and smoke. The tribe is in fact isolated from the rest of the world. The settlers say they feel sorry for other people living in the world because their life is wicked. There are 5,759 people in the tribe; all of them are vegetarians.

Elina Davydova is a woman who was born in a remote secret settlement of very old Raskolnik Christians in the Siberian taiga; these people have been living there for 15 centuries already. Elina's mission is to teach people the right way of living and cure them with the help of her unique inborn talent. Unlike the numerous healers and swindlers claiming they are healers Elina never takes money for her help to people.

Elina Davydova is sure that people on the planet may live the way that people of her taiga tribe do: they never fall ill and celebrate the first birthday at the age of 100. The people religiously follow the Bible commandments. They know the authentic history of the planet and know the secret of the Egypt pyramids, of Stonehenge and Noah's Ark.

Elina has devoted her life to a major mission of helping people to pass to the sixth civilization. She learnt about her mission at the age of three. She is the seventh and the last woman in the clan having the unique talent. Before that, there were seven men of the clan having the talent. Elina's grandmother told her that she would be the last woman with the unique talent and after that people would pass to the sixth civilization.

For security purposes, Elina does not indicate the place where her tribe lives. She just mentions that the settlement is situated on a high mountain plateau in Siberia. The mountain looks very much like a pyramid. The settlement cannot be seen from the air. Buildings of the settlement are constructed upon the pyramid principle and everything in the houses agrees with the Fengshui. The people observe their centuries-long traditions in eating, sleeping, clothing, growing vegetables and so on. It is known that similar tribes also live in northern Egypt.

These people are aware of the transition to a new civilization. The tribe has no watch; they use sand-glass and live according to the lunar calendar.

Elders of the tribe know about Stonehenge and Arkaim. Traditionally, people of the tribe lived in one area for 200 years and got an assignment to go to different parts of the planet to teach people the right way of living. It was particularly important to keep God's people, to teach them the right way of living and give them the true knowledge.

Elina says that the tribe follows the law of the bird in everyday life: they wake up together with bird singing early in the morning and go to bed when birds cease to sing. There is still no electricity in the settlement, usually the people go to bed when it becomes dark and use little candles. They use firewood to warm their houses and cook meals, but they mostly cook in winter and seldom in summer. They drink only fresh hot tea and do not eat animal meat.

The old believers drink only goat's milk, at that it is important that every woman of the tribe must milk her goat herself. These people believe that milk like water can transmit information.

The population control is getting tough worldwide, but families of the Siberian secret tribe are happy to have more children. Elina says that her grandmother had 24 children, and her mother was the 24th child to whom the grandmother gave birth at the age of 63. The Raskolniks say that the more children they have the safer their pension will be in the future. These people know that delivery of a baby makes women stronger and more beautiful in case they are healthy.

People of the Siberian tribe live for not less than 100 years and never suffer from diseases. Each of them approximately knows the day when he may die. There is a tradition to celebrate the first birthday at the age of 100. Elina hopes that she will celebrate her birthday at 100 (she is 66 now).

There are 5,759 people in the tribe; all of them are vegetarians. They breed rabbits and quails; they eat eggs and sell rabbit meat to other people outside the tribe. This is the way to earn money for the tribe. The tribe is in fact isolated from the rest of the world. The settlers say they feel sorry for other people living in the world because their life is wicked.

When children of the tribe see people outside the settlements for the first time they got shocked that so many people drink alcohol and smoke. Elina says that people in the tribe never get drunk as they consider it a sin.

It has been prohibited for a long period to take video of the life in the tribe. Today, it is allowed to demonstrate the right way of living to the world. But Elina is not sure this may help the world live better. Unfortunately, people have got out of the habit of sowing, weeding and harvesting; they rather buy everything ready at stores. But it is important for people to grow everything themselves.

The tribe has a temple that is open 24 hours a day; people of the tribe get together in the temple to discuss their everyday affairs. The language of the tribe is special and resembles several other languages of the world.

Elina is a wonderful healer and can see all diseases and faults of a man. She says that she sees diseased organs being dark and aching organs are red. What is more, Elina even sees perfectly well if people lie. When she was a girl she thought that other people were as gifted as she was and could see unusual things as well. But at the age of 4 her grandmother told her there were just 12 people having the unique talent in the world. But in many years, Elina would remain the only human having the unique talent in the world.

Elina is sure that true healers never advertise themselves and never take money for what they do. She insists that all who break this law will sooner or later have to pay for the sin. Indeed, healers themselves got their talent for free, which in its turn means they must take no money for helping people to live the right life.

Read the original in Russian: (Translated by: Maria Gousseva

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureAnne DeClue wrote:
From: "Anne DeClue"
Subject: Fw: Health News - July 15th
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 12:04:49 -0700

I signed the petition at Honest Weight and also sent a letter by e-mail to congress that Citizens for Health sent me. If this legislation goes through I guess our government leaders will still have their own supply of vitamins, etc. from a secret source. All of this "stuff" where there is a flagrant disregard for anyone who is not wealthy will eventually turn around and bite them in the their two-faced butt.
----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick McGrath, Citizens for Health
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 6:13 AM
Subject: Health News - July 15th

Health on the Hill
I. What's Next With Codex

Rome, July 5, 2005 -- After the second day of Codex Commission Rome meetings, in a room provided by the US Codex delegation, fifteen North American and European advocates for the consumer right to dietary supplement choice met and explored several possible avenues of action to blunt the impact of the Commission’s approval of restrictive vitamin and mineral trade guidelines. While the guidelines are the first step toward worldwide restriction of dietary supplement access, they have only indirect impact on national supplement regulation until adopted by national governments.


II. Your Government on Drugs

The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) has released the results of its year-long investigation into lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry, which found that the industry has spent more than $800 million since 1998 on lobbyists and political campaigns. In the past year alone, the industry hired nearly 1,300 lobbyists, including hundred of former public officials. "It is astonishing to learn that no other interest has spent more money to sway public policy in this time period," said CPI executive director Roberta Baskin. In addition to lobbying for industry-favorable policies domestically, the drug industry's trade lobby has enlisted the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to pressure pressure foreign governments into removing price controls on pharmaceuticals and restricting sales of lower-priced generic drugs.

>>Take Action

Take Action!
Protect Natural Health Choice--Tell Your Representative to Vote NO on CAFTA

The President and pro-corporate members of Congress are pushing for approval of the proposed Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) by the end of July, which would expand NAFTA. As long as this agreement fails to protect dietary supplement choice and opens the way for restrictive dietary supplement laws like those encouraged by the Codex vitamin and mineral guidelines, dietary supplement users should oppose it. Take a stand while there's still time. Join us!

Tell Congress to Give Health A FAIR Chance

We need to generate 50,000 letters to urge Congress to support the FAIR Health Agenda -- making healthier food / farming practices a priority, protecting access to dietary supplements and all health practitioners, creating a truly integrative health system and respecting individual's wisdom and giving individuals full and final responsibility for their health dollars and decision. Take action today! Help us send 50,000 letters to Give Health a FAIR Chance

Local Resources

Visit and

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future Imagine you went to an audition of yourself going up on a stage without props and pouring your heart out in an acting scene as some character you only had an inkling of becoming and portraying. Then imagine that after having poured out your hear or "soul" into the part, you stepped off the stage and as the finale you ended your story with your dying. A stage without props dissolves along with the imaginary projected setting and characters being portrayed etc., as well as the actor. And left to his own feelings over having viewed the most unique love story ever told..., You! That seems to be what I an many other healers are trying to help the average person to understand especially if they experience Deja Vu, and why not if they spiritually have been creating their present presence of Mind through bringing together past thoughts, experiences, emotions etc., like a jigsaw puzzle to a finale.., a moving picture of today. Look back and see through introspection your today by the different fears, hopes and aspirations etc., and realize that God did not so called 'allow,' but that you brought your picture in mind plus the emotional energy to a point that triggered by your intent through your focus into a re-aliased moving experience as sensed and interpreted by your focus into your experience of reality! (you had the right to raise your hand at anytime and ask for an eraser! Then redraw your experience or picture in mind to what you would like to realize in your reality experience!)--just a thought!