Just letting you into a incident
Sounds from the Past affecting the Future
Just letting you into a incident that occurred the 10th of December at a local hospital in Albany. This cab driver got a call to go and pick up a customer at the local hospital. When he arrived a woman of sound mind and apparently aged about 55 or so to the estimate of the cab driver, got in and said "I am directed by my Minister in New York City that she saw in a vision that I should seek help at the local hospital, but they do not seem to desire to help me. I am being redirected to a local Psychological location for testing. I am not crazy, I have a itch over all my back and some feeling like a tapping and I am afraid to stay at home as it gets worst when I read my bible or go to church!"
The cabbie asked her if she felt a slightly wiggling feeling moving across her spine and a significant pulsing at a given point?
To which she replied "Yes!"
He turned and looked her closely in the eyes and said "Your possessed!"
Then all Hell broke loose. Her body floated in a convulsive manner to the cabs ceiling as she wrestled with the demon within.
The cabbie a Holistic Healer above the R. Master level, readily said some thing to the 'Source that created all of us.' He ordered the demon "Out of the woman! You have no right to her body! She is soul possessor and by the power of the Christ Light Within, I demand! Command! And I Order You Out of Her Body Now!"
Then she fell back into the seat and searched around herself as she still had slight sturggles apparent. "I feel better now!" she whispered. "But it is not all gone!"
Then the cabbie advised her to call him over the next few days as he had the ability to continue over the phone with the Healing.
There were two witnesses. An elderly couple that had climed into the back seat and watched quietly. (perhaps two angels? In disguise as humans and helping?!)
When he let her off at the Phy. Center, he then left to deliver the elderly couple.
The next day she called him early from her daughter's apartment. He advised her to take a cold shower and climbing in from one side of the bath and exiting out the other. After which she was to soak in a warm bath prepared with quarter cup of sea salt, quarter cup of vinegar and a cup of lavendar bubble soap. This was to be done before she called him again.
The following day she called him again early and said it feels better but the thing must still be inside as she had some twitching, though not as violent as she had before.
The cabbie then directed her to use the acceptance of healing prayer and release the imprint of the demon within and about and around her. She did and immediatly felt it gather and fly out through her heart. It was Love that removed it. Although she still feels it around her from time to time as it tries to come back, she is now strong enough to stop it and she is continuing her healing proceedure.
The cabbie was me and I am writing in third person as it is easier to recount that way. I removed the fragments that remained as i asked "Source" to do so, of the siamese demon and then asked Love to remove all of what was left. With that I keep addressing strengthening her fields and bodies. D.H. is okay Today. -- Michael
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