Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Just letting you into a incident

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Just letting you into a incident that occurred the 10th of December at a local hospital in Albany. This cab driver got a call to go and pick up a customer at the local hospital. When he arrived a woman of sound mind and apparently aged about 55 or so to the estimate of the cab driver, got in and said "I am directed by my Minister in New York City that she saw in a vision that I should seek help at the local hospital, but they do not seem to desire to help me. I am being redirected to a local Psychological location for testing. I am not crazy, I have a itch over all my back and some feeling like a tapping and I am afraid to stay at home as it gets worst when I read my bible or go to church!"

The cabbie asked her if she felt a slightly wiggling feeling moving across her spine and a significant pulsing at a given point?

To which she replied "Yes!"

He turned and looked her closely in the eyes and said "Your possessed!"

Then all Hell broke loose. Her body floated in a convulsive manner to the cabs ceiling as she wrestled with the demon within.

The cabbie a Holistic Healer above the R. Master level, readily said some thing to the 'Source that created all of us.' He ordered the demon "Out of the woman! You have no right to her body! She is soul possessor and by the power of the Christ Light Within, I demand! Command! And I Order You Out of Her Body Now!"

Then she fell back into the seat and searched around herself as she still had slight sturggles apparent. "I feel better now!" she whispered. "But it is not all gone!"

Then the cabbie advised her to call him over the next few days as he had the ability to continue over the phone with the Healing.

There were two witnesses. An elderly couple that had climed into the back seat and watched quietly. (perhaps two angels? In disguise as humans and helping?!)

When he let her off at the Phy. Center, he then left to deliver the elderly couple.

The next day she called him early from her daughter's apartment. He advised her to take a cold shower and climbing in from one side of the bath and exiting out the other. After which she was to soak in a warm bath prepared with quarter cup of sea salt, quarter cup of vinegar and a cup of lavendar bubble soap. This was to be done before she called him again.

The following day she called him again early and said it feels better but the thing must still be inside as she had some twitching, though not as violent as she had before.

The cabbie then directed her to use the acceptance of healing prayer and release the imprint of the demon within and about and around her. She did and immediatly felt it gather and fly out through her heart. It was Love that removed it. Although she still feels it around her from time to time as it tries to come back, she is now strong enough to stop it and she is continuing her healing proceedure.

The cabbie was me and I am writing in third person as it is easier to recount that way. I removed the fragments that remained as i asked "Source" to do so, of the siamese demon and then asked Love to remove all of what was left. With that I keep addressing strengthening her fields and bodies. D.H. is okay Today. -- Michael

If a dog was the teacher

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Be Happy !!!
If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. When it's in your best interest, practice obedience. Let others know when they've invaded your territory. Take naps.Stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body. No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout..! run right back and make friends. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

Technique for beginners in healing:
Dearest in my life “Bless your self that you may bless others “Imagine holding your hands palmed around the afflicted area of the spine or abdomen gently, repeating the following and hold that a moment or so beyond the phrase repeating it several times. And then release the arms to a normal position and feel renewed, lighter and having a problem remembering the original complaint. It helps to say out loud to your self.
...,and go over your change of feelings...., is it warmer, more peaceful? ...., did you feel the tingling of energy or a wave sweep over you?"
Then do it for your whole body, by imagining your self bathing under a waterfall, with the water washing through your body as well as around it, just like it was washing around a small animal or bird. All of the particles of matter which is not a good part of your body washing away in the flow to mother earth. This while repeating the phrase above. Do this as often as you can during the day.

It could be introduced to your school in place of a prayer…, and who could challenge it in view of the lack of a reference to religion or god by action or word of particular religious connotation such as Jesus or God. Like water is wet because it is the nature of water, we are loving because it is the nature of our being. A baby looks to swamp its benefactor who holds it with love, it does not have to be taught. In fact, it is taught to fear as it grows up with mistrust as the icing on the layers of discomfort. I know This group of words phrased carefully have an equally good effect and feeling perhaps more than the contemporary religious prayer.

I had a young man who came into my taxi and asked if he could sit in front because he could not bend his knee. I advised him to do the above treatment several times a day while cuddling his knee with a love feeling of warmth and light held in his mind flooding the area afflicted and repeating the phrase above. I saw him a month later and he was running without a problem in the knee and has continued to do so.I have been rear ended several times in my taxi and my back has been whip-lashed out of place and fractured. I did the placing of my hands on top of my spine and sent Love's healing energy down and the muscles all relaxed and the bones went back into place by themselves. Today I carry in the Red Cross Boxes to hospitals without any problem. My friend Megan said it takes about twelve hours or overnight and then the symtoms of a back problem are gone. This was after I had treated her back by waving my finger tips like a painters brush applying paint to her spinal cords while visualizing her spine as being well and saying the prayer in relation to her spine.

The following is best done with more people , not less than six. Gathered together with the prayer in hand in a comfortable type setting like this one. They all repeat together as one and hold the target person in a field or sphere of light that they feel comfortable with while verbalizing the poetic phrases. This helps since it keeps them from trying to use some other technique at that moment. If the target is present, then perhaps the six may form a circle around that target. Holding hands the right one facing down and the left facing up, grasp each others hands and that full fills the circle and the direction of the energy movement through the group. Energy moves from right through you to the left. Dominant hand facing down.

Michael’s Distant healing Prayer

I accept the healing in Megan’s behalf and I release Megan from the imprint to the experience, cutting all cords and attachments resulting from this physical experience--in mind, in emotions, in psyche, in physical cellular structure, ligaments, nerves and muscle tissue and tendons. I accept for Megan the greater good of Love’s all healing energies to the imprint resulting from the physical experience of the incident. Not of my will, but the Will of Love through megan for her highest and best good in All her Concerns. I ask in my name Michael. So Be It. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

I accept my healing

I release the imprint, cut all cords and attachments,
Of pain, discomfort, disease, migraines, anxiety, stress, duress etc.,

In mind, in emotion, in psyche and physical cellular structure.

I open up to my greater good, to love from where my needs are met. Where I no longer feel
Of pain, discomfort, disease, migraines, anxiety, stress, duress etc.,

Not of my will, but the Will of Love through me for my highest and best good in All my Concerns. I ask in my name Michael. So Be It. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

These are healing entries that may be useful in the following order to insert in the prayer:
Surround me with a unique sphere of protection from negative aliens and their implants from negative energies and their implants from negative entities and their implants from demonic forces and their implants from negative disincarnate spirits and malicious humans and their intents
Of lack, want, need, poverty, of inferiority, meanness, jealousy and lacking the necessities of life
Of pain, discomfort, disease, anxiety, stress, duress
Refresh and rebalance my physical energies
Clean and rebalance my charkas
Rebalance my polarities
Refresh my energies of prosperity
Refresh my energies of love, emotions and reciprocals thereof
Refresh my love energies from source right down to my cellular level
that the heaven agent now accomplish this mission at the highest possible level cleansing and purifying my organs, abdomen and intestinal track with grace. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
that the heaven agent now accomplish this mission at the highest possible level surround me with a unique sphere of protection. From all attacks on my spirit, soul, astral bodies, mind, psyche, right down to my cellular core and preventing anyone from hitting or hurting me.

Part I:
I call my intuitive intelligence to meld, bond and ground with the Higher Source.

I call on my Higher Source, that I now take responsibility to manifest a made in heaven solution. That the heaven agent complete this mission at the highest possible level:

· Refresh and rebalance “my sister and her soon to be born child’s energies.”

· Not of my will, but the Will of Love through me for my highest and best good in All my Concerns. I ask in my name Michael. So Be It. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Part II:

I call my intuitive intelligence to meld, bond and ground with the Higher Source.

I call on my Higher Source, that I now take responsibility to manifest a made in heaven solution. That the heaven agent complete this mission at the highest possible level:

· Refresh, clean and rebalance the Chakra’s “of my sister and her soon to be born child’s energies.”

· Not of my will, but the Will of Love through me for my highest and best good in All my Concerns. I ask in my name Michael. So Be It. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Part III:

I call my intuitive intelligence to meld, bond and ground with the Higher Source.

I call on my Higher Source, that I now take responsibility to manifest a made in heaven solution. That the heaven agent complete this mission at the highest possible level:

· Refresh and rebalance the Polarities “of my sister and her soon to be born child’s energies.”

· Not of my will, but the Will of Love through me for my highest and best good in All my Concerns. I ask in my name Michael. So Be It. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Part IV:

I call my intuitive intelligence to meld, bond and ground with the Higher Source.

I call on my Higher Source, that I now take responsibility to manifest a made in heaven solution. That the heaven agent complete this mission at the highest possible level:

· That my sister cut all cords and attachments and release the imprint of fears in giving birth to her soon to be born child and open to greater good-Love ‘s All Healing energies.”

· Not of my will, but the Will of Love through me for my highest and best good in All my Concerns. I ask in my name Michael. So Be It. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

VERYSIR Michael Ramirez
Efficiency Analyst & Domain Owner
Web Master:
Communications Analyst
Holistic Alternative Healer