some lady in Saratoga, NY,
Sounds from the Past affecting the Future
Jan. 05, 07: A call from some lady in Saratoga, NY, brought me to a feeling of intrusion as I woke up from my sleep. She was obvious a very disturbed poor soul. She gave me the strong feeling of desiring to backing away from her and not really listening to her. I felt some strong entity in the background. So I asked her to stop! Place a hand on her shoulder with the fingers aimed down her spine and repeat after me! She agreed to and said she was ready, without questioning my request.
I said, " I accept my healing. I release from in, around and about me, the negative aliens, and their negative implants, the negative energies and their negative implants, the negative entities and their negative implants, the demons and their negative implants and controlling crystals. I release them in my mind, I release them in my emotions, I release them in my psyche, I release them in my physical cellular level. I open up to my greater good in love from where one obtains protection fro the negative aliens and their implants, the negative energies and their implants, the negative entities and their implants, the demons and their implants and controlling crystals, Not of my will, but the Will of Love BE, through me to myself, for my highest and best good in this specific concern, in my name I ask! So Be It! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!"
She then said, "I felt something black ooze out of my body through my pores and legs! What was it? It has been with me since I was five years old!"
I advised her that it was an entity, a hitchhicker! I also advised her, after having given her the bath instructions, to call me back for further instructions. She noticed that she had changed the intonation in her voice and diction. I advised her that this was because she had rid herself of the entity and she would be noticing some changes in relations.
Jan. 11, 07:
D. L. called me back from Saratoga. She advised me that the woman's secretary (a person whom she respected and did not feel confortable with her before the last week,) had remarked how beautiful she looked this day. This made her very happy.
I gave her some subliminal instructions she could use. An abridged form that is easy to use. She was also to drop the doubt words in her vocabulary. And modify the afirmation and prayer that we had used to clear the entity from within her.
( note the change of color in the affirmation and prayer technique, the brown is where one places the thing that one chooses to change. Example: Relational Fears, Stress, Duress and Anxiety! or a Cutting of the cords to a person, place or thing that one has attached, and the cutting of from that person, place or thing.) The rest remains intact and unchanged.
One should also clear the area of their apartment, by reciting the affirmation and prayer only using the words at the point of I release the imprint: in my apartment of the negative etc., etc., etc., and then return to the prayer portion as in the one above.
She will be calling me back in a week or so as she progresses. The healing calls for a strengthing of her resolve.
a) a affirmation prayer for her higher source to release the negative aliens etc.,
b) a affirmation prayer for her higher source to uniquely protect her from the negative etc.
c) a affirmation prayer for her blackages and obstacles be removed from her abundance.
and a abriged from of subliminal activity for her to do nightly when she sleeps.
I adivsed her to call me back and let me know of her experiential changes. -- michael
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