Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

I often sit quietly and construct a prayer especially to deal with situations that may arise, As a Reiki Master, being in contact with my Higher Source at all times consciously or unconsciously is important. It is like having my shields up and a guardian ever present as companion and more. The Holy Spirit or Whole Spirit, is often seen and felt by me as a lovely female. This female figure is not unlike the Virgin standing in back of me and stepping forward to offer consul, while other times withdrawing back a little to allow me my course of conduct and action. The following prayer is the latest and said in the morning and evening at least twice a day to bring it in to one's consciousness is important. I spend time visualizing it in a background of beautifuly pearl white light.

I hope you will write one of your own and do the same.

It is very rewarding...,

8Michael’s Prayer

I call upon my intuitive intelligence to meld, bond and ground with my Highest Source.

I call upon my Highest Source and Resources that I instate and now take responsibility to manifest Blessings of Prosperity, Protection, Healing, Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and clarity of concerns.

I affirm that every day in every way I am perfect! I am the loving presence that is aligned with the One, True and Perfect Power, my Highest Source! My increasing powers are for serving humanity better. I am in complete control over my senses and faculty at every dimension of my spirit, soul, mind, body, psyche, love, emotion, affection and the outer sensing multi-dimensional body! Positive thoughts bring me benefits and advantages that I choose from within to with out, in, about and around me.

From Spirit to soul, soul to mind, mind to body, body to psyche, psyche to love, emotions, Affections and my multi-dimensional body..

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Dr. John Abramson, a clinical instructor at the Harvard Medical School and author of Overdosed America, called the state of America's health care system a "national emergency."

According to Abramson, 40% of the most quoted medical studies do not stand up when the studies are repeated. Abramson pointed out that most clinical studies are funded by drug companies, and are five times more likely to show a given drug works.

Abramson also revealed that Americans are paying twice as much for health care than the citizens of 21 other industrialized nations, yet living less time in good health. At least 30% of health care received by Americans is not necessary and is often harmful, he explained, resulting in a staggering $600 billion in wasted health care costs.

Is this New to you?

How about the study of results in genetically engineered foods...?

They are a waste according to The Fluid Genome

by Dr. Mae-Wan HoThe biotech empire is fast collapsing because it has got the science wrong.

Read this riveting inside-story of the fluid genome from a scientist who has been warning that genetic engineering is both dangerous and futile for over a decade.

Find out why the whole biotech enterprise, from GM crops and gene drugs to human cloning, is a phenomenal waste of public finance and scientific imagination, and, most importantly, what it means to be living with the fluid genome.A personal account of one scientist's struggle against a corrupted scientific establishment bent on promoting genetic modification (GM).
A dossier of scientific evidence of the most serious GM hazards
An expos‚ of the degenerate research programme of mainstream biology
A death-blow to genetic determinism
A refreshing antidote to the Darwin industry
and more.....,

Monday, August 15, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureAA =MoS= take note thanks. a CD. Alb. NY

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureI had a customer to take from one airport to another recently. He is head of the elite nano-tech division a a special company. He was enroute to meet with a lot of phd's. It was on a Sunday with traffic returning to the main city and I knew there would be some high tension and ackward moments on the highway. So I introduced him to healing a situation and brought a quietness to his emotional state fefore it got out of hand and with his knowledge and permission. It felt to him like an elevator going through him as he mellowed out. Then when we were in bumper to bumper traffic, I advised him not to think of the problem, but to give thanks for the solution already forseen and edited by the Higher Source. He recognized my advise and went with it. He used his IPOD to check the routes and we decided to use a different one as it would not be as highly used. We arrived with eight minutes to spare..., hope he made it through the security as I had originallly added it to the prayer and opened doors for him to make it on that plane. I also reminded him to think of it...,"people are giving up their power by submitting to technology like calculators, whereupon they can no lo9nger add the simplest bills in their head, what will the chip implant replace in our heads..., Hi fellow chimp!! ?---michael

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureBe It End Times or Just The Phase of the Moon

Peoples behavior is more irrational today

Are We Told The Truth By Those In Power?

Old timers remember well President Roosevelt's Day of Infamy broadcast, which plunged America into the second world war. There were rumors at the time that Roosevelt knew that the Japanese were about to attack, but withheld this information from his commanders at Pearl Harbor. These rumors were so patently ridiculous, that they were ridiculed as crazy. Now comes an incredibly detailed exposé of how Roosevelt forced the Japanese into war, and the cover-up that followed. Roosevelt was warned by the Navy code breakers, as well as through diplomatic channels, that the Japanese had an aircraft carrier attack force heading for Pearl Harbor—and he intentionally kept this information from his Army and Navy commanders. Now, why on earth would FDR do something so terrible? It doesn't seem to make sense. Well, FDR had two major problems. The first was the war in Europe, which was going very badly. The Germans had conquored the continent and were getting ready to move on to Britain—and had a good chance of succeeding. But, the American public was vigorously opposed to getting into the war. They remembered the slaughter of millions of soldiers twenty years earlier during WWI. 88% of the public was opposed. Roosevelt knew that with all of Europe under Hitler's control, the next move would obviously have to be to America—so he had to come up with some way to change American opinions. He sure came up with a duzy. The book goes into great detail, backed up with 116 pages of references, on how his eight point plan to force Japan to attack us was orchestrated, and how he intentionally put incompetent officers in charge at Pearl Harbor, and then withheld the reports of the Japanese carrier movements from them. He helped see to it that the battleships were in Pearl, but not our aircraft carriers. He felt that battleships were obsolete and worth sacrificing. And so were the lives of our soldiers and sailors, if it would galvanize the American public. The book contains virtually no speculation. Stinnett spent years forcing the Navy to produce the papers that had been hidden away, marked Top Secret. The National Security Agency (NSA) is still protecting over a hundred thousand pages of relevant documents under the cloak of their being national defence secrets. What a crock! Our code breakers had broken every Japanese code, so Roosevelt knew exactly what they were doing. The Japanese fleet sent to attack Pearl Harbor were followed every day by our Navy listening stations at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, Samoa, Hawaii, and Corregedor with their direction finding equipment. FDR knew where they were, and even who their commanders were. He also knew their plan of attack. The plan sure worked. The day after the attack the American public had no further reservations about going to war. Congress declared war on Japan on December 8th and three days later on Germany and Italy. I said there were two reasons for FDR wanting us in the war. By 1941 America was still suffering from the great depression of the '30s. FDR needed a jolt to get the economy going again. The war effort did that, in spades. Even though we knew that Japan was gearing up to take over most of Asia—they called it the Greater East Asia Prosperity Sphere—FDR intervened with American authorities to allow them to buy millions of barrels of oil and tons of scrap iron, right up until hostilities started. We kind of joked at the time that the Japanese had bought the scrap from our tearing down the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th Avenue Elevateds in New York City, and then were shooting it back at us. The Pearl Harbor attack came off just as Roosevelt had planned. It got rid of the no longer needed battleships and totally squelched the isolationists. Oh, there were rumors at the time, but a panel asked to look into the rumors whitewashed everything and all of the damning intelligence reports were either destroyed or put into vaults marked top secret—where they've remained until Stinnett managed to force them to be revealed.--quoting an aritcle from

"Green pointed out that because Booth's prophetic dreams turned out to be true in the 1979 disaster, this lends weight and credibility to his current vision. What Booth dreamed in March 2003, on ten occasions, was a vision of seeing Earth from the perspective of space. He said he saw "a large dark planetary object" coming from under the Earth towards the South Pole. Then a huge decimating explosion took place over the western side of North America, followed by a "ripple" that traveled around the Earth. Booth added that the object was somewhere between the Earth and the Moon in size.

By correlating cross-cultural, ancient and current data, he believes what he saw will take place in the 2004 time frame, as part of a series of events that is started by the June 8th "transit of Venus." Further he suggested that the world governments and the Vatican are already aware of the coming disaster, and he and Green suggested a range of survivalist techniques to prepare. The government, Booth added, will unleash a viral plague on humanity, shortly before the incident in order to cut down on the chaos that will ensue. If they do not unleash a viral plague on humanity just think about the movie "Mad Max." --quoting from an article on

Last week, more cab drivers suffered robberies and stabbings and police notice a very real surge in the number of people involved. Cab Drivers site a important incident where upon three van loads of young people failed to pay for the meals after calling in for a taxi ride home, ran without paying the fare. In another case two grown ups argued over who should pay the fare. The cab driver asked for the fare in advance of any further travel, the female passenger then stepped out of the cab, walked around to the drivers window and proceeded to stab him. The two passengers then ran off without paying the fare. A few days ago, my fellow cab driver was attacked and robbed by a local pickup, who is now under awaiting trial. His brother has been added to the list of suspects in the robbery of cab drivers. His brother tried using a surrated quick flip out knife and failed, he then tried to draw his gun out from the secret pocket in the top lining of his pants, just behind the belt. He failed to draw it out as he still had the knife open in his hand. His last effort was to throw a left punch at the cab driver and take whatever he could from the drivers shirt pocket and run. The cab driver had used his awareness of the situation and the verbal communication as a weapon and out matched the criminal mind frustrating the assailant. This does not always happen. You have to know how to read your assailant.

It doesn't take a genius to note that the police will act on a problem only after the fact! The Criminal will quickly quote you the article and paragraph of the violation from past knowledge and experience. He/she knows how to use the system. •

Listen to the other person and follow the principle of charity: in other words, aim to grasp the intended meaning and give others their due • Cultivate co-operative intelligence; it's not a debate or a war of egos • Pause, and leave a little time for thought to sink in. • As a clan our name is =MoS=, our alleagance to the superior. • We give our word short and sweet, we promise not to cheat. • If you decide to pick a fight, we will surely show our might. • All through the day we blow you away, even at night we stay to fight. • As we play from terrain to terrain, =MoS= will always reign. • When at first you complain of lagg, be sure to look at our tag. • From snipers, gunners and runners of flags, you will surely taste • our deadly frags. • When we aim it's for your head, BANG BANG BANG your dead. • As we win one map to another, you will dread to play another. • Quietly by knife in the night your the ones to taste defeat. • So don't start complaining, it's called experience and training. • As you tremble,shiver and shake, tell them all =MoS= is no fake. • If you wish to fight again, we will show with a big old grin. • The end draws near as I close, the following is to all you Hood hoes. • Ashes to ashes dust to dust, you best not to F*CK with us. • Signed; ARCHANGEL . •

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureLet this be your MANTRA, Feel the Earth Rumble under your feet..., Your next emphasis as worker for the Light after meditation on the Yantra of Aton..., draw the Yantra on my site...,
Yes perhaps massive distruction this next coming year, storms, earthquakes, tsuami's, foreclosures, unemployment, note by the end of October, remember WUTCO overlooked the possibility of domino effect, etc., but, for you who are locking in to your highest source and rooting your intuition to your highest source...,.

Intuition Programming Into Your Highest Source!

Every day in every way I am perfect!

I am the loving presence that is aligned

with the One, True and perfect Power,

my Highest Source!

My increasing powers are for serving humanity


I am in complete control over my senses and

faculties at every dimension of my soul, mind,

body, psyche, love, emotion and multi-dimensional

body, including the outer sensing


Positive thoughts bring me benefits and

advantages that I choose!

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureLatest update on the Oil Crisis and Gas UpdatesToday taxi drivers in Albany, NY, have had to pay 2.59 to 2.88 dollars per gallon. Why doesn't the govt. care, because it is one of its ways to gently illiminate people in the long run to a level it can control.

New device invented allowing to see guardian angel
06/08/2005 15:59

With the help of wooden pyramids an inventor makes people healthier and food better
Mikhail Shalayev is a senior research assistant at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia; however, the man is better known for his unusual inventions. Mikhail engineers and builds pyramids, makes biocurrent indicators and other unusual constructions.

A journalist of the Smena newspaper once became a subject of the inventor’s inquiry, and the experiment turned out to be a surprise even for Mikhail Shalayev himself. At first, Mikhail used a device he had invented to measure the journalist’s bioenergetics. He applied the base contact to the man’s navel and with the other contact he touched his acupuncture points on the hands and legs. Some figures appeared on the monitor of a small device resembling a TV remote control unit.

The researcher can say if this or that organ is healthy or diseased judging by the indications on the monitor. The method is unique, Mikhail say, because the researcher does not let the current go through the body and just measures the existing biocurrents; the results of such measurements allow him to diagnose any disease.

Mikhail Shalayev engineered a wooden construction resembling a crystal with seven apices, which he calls "semyramida". "Odd numbers symbolize life; that is why I say the Egypt pyramids are not really safe, as they reveal the 6th apex when projected in some particular way. Special preparation is required even to get into my "semyramida", the inventor says. These are irradiation with a special lamp and a prayer. These measures are some sort of a live vaccine: the lamp kills viruses and negative information on the human body; and the prayer protects from the evil forces. One who wishes to get into the construction must be obligatorily positively-minded.

When the journalist got inside of the construction he closed the eyes. But even though the eyes were closed, the man could see gold dots and lines forming into a DNA spiral; and then an unknown representation of face appeared there. The face looked wise and experienced, but the journalist knew no people living who might resemble the face. The inventor insists that was the face of the journalist's guardian angel.

Mikhail Shalayev says that he receives only those people whom he likes. For example, Mikhail says that angels prohibited letting famous artist Mikhail Shemyakin inside of the "semyramida". At the same time, the unique construction helped many people restore their health, and even several disabled people became able-bodied again thanks to the invention.

The inventor has several pyramids made of wood standing in the corners of his rooms. He says, the special effects of the pyramids help him keep food fresh. What is more, ordinary cognac has turned into vintage cognac after it was kept in the pyramid for some time. Other food that was put into the pyramids after saying a prayer got even much better there.

Mikhail Shalayev says it is important to choose the right wood for making pyramids. Cherry wood, apple-tree wood will do and aspen is obligatory, as this "vampire" wood exhausts the negative energy. "These types of wood harmonize the frequency responses of people or food, and thus make them better. People may even become younger," the inventor says.

Read the original in Russian: (Translated by: Maria Gousseva)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future50% gets taken awayHow can I afford it!
Earned Income - 50% gets taken away
Passive “income Generate a passive income.”
Key to financial liability: (Do you spend your life buying liability!)
Build a fortune without money!
Choose to be Rich!!
I choose not to be someone else’s wealth, I choose to be my own wealth building plan just for me!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureHave the job, then make your move
With all the activities and issues that go along with relocating, it's difficult to stay focused on the job search without stressing out about a move. I advise my children because of my past experience, "I recommend that you have a job before making a move to any new city. Take a few trips to the city to conduct face-to-face interviews with local companies and talk to people and business owners in the community first-hand."

Hopping from the frying pan to the fire

Mike, who recently accepted a job in New York, decided to rent an apartment and commute for the first six months before permanently relocating to the area. He says that this will give him sufficient time to scope out neighborhoods, get a feel for traffic conditions and make sure the job and the area are a good fit. , "I recommend that you have a job before making a move to any new city.”

Do an economic reality check.

Before making a decision to relocate, make sure that a move to your dream destination isn't a nightmare for your finances. Carefully examine the economics of the area, from the cost of housing and groceries, to taxes and regional wage and salary scales.

While salaries in cities like New York and Los Angeles are highest, the cost of living is more elevated, too, and can eat up all the big bucks you were expecting to earn. Conversely, according to Jason Leitz, marketing manager for Workforce Florida: "Two families who recently relocated to Central Florida discovered that their paychecks went a whole lot further when buying a home here. Both were able to purchase four-bedroom, two-story homes with built-in pools in a very nice suburb for the same price as a small loft in New York City."

To compare cost of living and economic conditions, check out Sperling's Best Places at And Fortune magazine's "Best Places for Business" report gives a forecast of job prospects across the country.

Lifestyle is everything, baby!

Although it might sound glamorous to trade in your ordinary lifestyle for the rush of the Windy City, it could be a difficult transition depending upon your personality and family situation. Public transportation, crowds, congestion and the steel and concrete of the city may be suffocating after life in suburbia.

On the other hand, the laid-back lifestyle you enjoy on vacation may become monotonous and boring compared to your hurried city life. "Keep in mind that whatever issues you have in your life, you'll be taking them with you to your new residence," Coleman warns. So before packing any boxes, take the time to carefully weigh the pros and cons of life elsewhere.

Can you take the heat?

Experts say that people who are excited about the prospect of a move to their vacation destination often overlook the importance of the year-round climate.

"Job seekers should spend some time in the city where they hope to live to find out if they can tolerate the climate in the off-season," I advise. "For those hoping to relocate to a place that is warm year-round, they also need to think about how important the change of seasons is to them."

"I always tell people that it's easy to overlook the triple digit temperatures in Las Vegas when you're in an air conditioned casino."

Finally, you should talk to everyone you know--and even those you don't--to learn everything you can about the place you think is paradise. Look next and review my Career Market information as that is what you are doing..., Marketing yourself, something that you have been doing since your first cried out in childbirth!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureI believe in giving credit where it belongs and also, I believe in letting others know what I feel is important! Then in reading the following may your heart feel the joy and happiness in relating to a possible thought that crossed your mind and your pictorial intent project into your "Reality" re-alized! Land the job, then make your move.
With all the activities and issues that go along with relocating, it's difficult to stay focused on the job search without stressing out about a move. Dr. Victoria Coleman, a national certified career counselor and consultant for OCM-Lee Hecht Harrison advises, "I recommend that you have a job before making a move to any new city. Take a few trips to the city to conduct face-to-face interviews with local companies and talk to people and business owners in the community first-hand."

Mike, a marketing director who recently accepted a job in San Francisco, decided to rent an apartment and commute for the first six months before permanently relocating to the area. He says that this will give him sufficient time to scope out neighborhoods, get a feel for traffic conditions and make sure the job and the area are a good fit.
Do an economic reality check.
Before making a decision to relocate, make sure that a move to your dream destination isn't a nightmare for your finances. Carefully examine the economics of the area, from the cost of housing and groceries, to taxes and regional wage and salary scales.

While salaries in cities like New York and Los Angeles are highest, the cost of living is more elevated, too, and can eat up all the big bucks you were expecting to earn. Conversely, according to Jason Leitz, marketing manager for Workforce Florida: "Two families who recently relocated to Central Florida discovered that their paychecks went a whole lot further when buying a home here. Both were able to purchase four-bedroom, two-story homes with built-in pools in a very nice suburb for the same price as a small loft in New York City."

To compare cost of living and economic conditions, check out Sperling's Best Places at And Fortune magazine's "Best Places for Business" report gives a forecast of job prospects across the country.Lifestyle is everything, baby.
Although it might sound glamorous to trade in your ordinary lifestyle for the rush of the Windy City, it could be a difficult transition depending upon your personality and family situation. Public transportation, crowds, congestion and the steel and concrete of the city may be suffocating after life in suburbia.

On the other hand, the laid-back lifestyle you enjoy on vacation may become monotonous and boring compared to your hurried city life. "Keep in mind that whatever issues you have in your life, you'll be taking them with you to your new residence," Coleman warns. So before packing any boxes, take the time to carefully weigh the pros and cons of life elsewhere.Can you take the heat?
While it may sound obvious, experts say that people who are excited about the prospect of a move to their vacation destination often overlook the importance of the year-round climate.

"Job seekers should spend some time in the city where they hope to live to find out if they can tolerate the climate in the off-season," Coleman advises. "For those hoping to relocate to a place that is warm year-round, they also need to think about how important the change of seasons is to them."

Hathaway Thoman agrees. "I always tell people that it's easy to overlook the triple digit temperatures in Las Vegas when you're in an air conditioned casino."

Finally, experts agree that you should talk to everyone you know -- and even those you don't -- to learn everything you can about the place you think is paradise.

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureJust a moment of thought relating to those invited E-Mails that come in..., I don't require a health item or health plan. (just thinking of the lady that looks at my black eye and desires to emphasize that I should have it checked out in a hospital..., she should have seen it the day after I got it. The swelling is down now and the black is disappearing to light brown.) She does not know that some black fellow 6'1" tried to mug me while brandishing a surrated switch blade and when I did not go along with his demands, He decided to threaten with shooting me with his gun. It's hard to pull out the gun while holding a switch blade in the same hand, especially when it is in a secret pocket in the waist lining of his pants. As far as healing, it is quite easy to use Castor Oil over the eye and swellings and cover it with a warm cloth, a moist hot towel if available. Circulation returns to the area and the pain is reduced to less than expected. In a few days the eye is normal. Oh, about the fellow..., i simply said a few words to my higher source and put the heartless person in his keep for judgement. I am after all a quantum level energy healer and i will not say what happens after i do bless the individual in this way. A couple of people have won their case in court and a few of the opponents or even the opponent are no longer with us. Such is life.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future

Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureAugust 3, wednesday., latest on channel six this morning news..., Albany Medical is highlighted as doctor without a true medical doctor's credits and of corrupt background nature, was involved in doctoring medical records of cancer patients. Justified by lucrative offers of personal benefit and more. Does the AMA admit to the 170,000 deaths that doctors are responsible for in last year due to inappropriate prescriptions? Another lucrative and enticing practice. How much do doctors get on each prescription. Are they really given 15 minutes to diagnose and prescribe and use the patient as a test case for prescriptions? Are they really part of the group that is wiping out the 95% of the population through slow death by prescription? Challenge your representatives in government to find out and put an end to the hidden answer to overpopulation in the world...., and have them find another more responsible manner than war and genocide.

An Update for Careers:Careers
Marketing Yourself
What’s your career interest? Looking for an awesome career? Looking for a great job?
Then look in the help wanted pages under awesome or great careers and jobs. Do you realize that a job is something you do on the side to support your career search? Just like happiness these words do not really describe what you are looking for.
Did you ever picture what you would look like a few years after finding that awesome or great line of work? Think for a moment! If someone were to take a picture of you then—what would I be seeing in that picture…, you?, your family? surroundings?, your clothes that you are wearing?, etc., and what expression would you have that tells me of your career success. Are you excited about your search, tickled and smiling about the outcome of your search as you enter the interviewing office? What is your intent in having this career or job? Is it something that you know will make you feel happy and successful in doing what you propose? Are you focused and searching in that line of interest or are you doing something out of line with your search? If you cannot believe in yourself, how can you expect others to believe in you.
In an interview, it's not always just what you say that is important, but also how you say it and how you look when you are saying it. Despite answering all questions thrown at you with precision and confidence, if your body language is weak, your overall image may be perceived in this way, too. In order to make sure you physical actions and gestures are conveying the right message, here are a few do's and don'ts to keep in mind. While they alone won't win you the big job, they can certainly help or hurt your chances in a pinch.DO enter the room confidently. When you meet your interviewer for the first time, hold your head up, put on a smile, and be sure you look like you are enthusiastic about the opportunity. Interviews are not fun, but if you go into it anticipating torture, your body language will reflect this attitude.DON'T shake hands like a dead fish. In any professional environment, a handshake can say a lot about a person. Make sure your handshake is firm, not timid and limp. In the same respect, don't overdo it. You certainly don't want to be remembered as someone who broke the interviewer's fingers!DO try to mirror your interviewer. Mirroring the body position of the person you are talking to is a natural tendency, and this strategy often results in a more relaxed atmosphere. Pay attention to your interviewer and try to mirror his or her attitude and actions in a subtle way. If your interviewer is extremely upbeat and enthusiastic, try to pick up on that emotion. In the same respect, if he or she is more subdued, it is best to follow the same rule. This doesn't mean, however, doing everything your interviewer does. You want the environment to be comfortable - not creepy.DON'T swing your legs, tap your feet, twirl your hair, wring your hands, or bite your fingernails. All of these actions demonstrate lack of confidence and fear and can be extremely distracting. You want to make sure your interviewer concentrates on your great answers, not your fidgety behavior.DO pay attention to your posture. It sounds elementary, but sitting up straight and having good posture will tell your interviewer that you are confident and have a strong personality, while slouching will paint you as lazy and weak. As uncomfortable as you might be in that business suit, sit up straight and keep your head up.DON'T cross your arms in front of your body. Sitting with your arms crossed in front of you indicates defensiveness, resistance, aggressiveness or a closed mind. Use your hands to be expressive when you are talking. When the interviewer is speaking, keep your hands folded in your lap, rested on the arms of your chair, or in another position that is lower than your elbows.DO make and keep eye contact. Failing to make eye contact with your interviewer will keep you from truly connecting with him or her, and might make you seem shy or even evasive. Yes, making eye contact can be uncomfortable, but it is an important tactic. Similarly, try to utilize other body expressions that demonstrate interest, such as nodding, tilting your head, or raising your eyebrows when the other person is making a point.
DON'T change positions often. It's hard to say whether having your legs crossed or feet flat on the floor is better. The key thing to remember is to find a position for your legs that is comfortable and try to stick with it. Constant shifting is distracting and can make a candidate seem untrustworthy. If you do opt to cross your legs, make sure they are crossed all the way. Resting your ankle on your knee will come across as too casual and even overconfident.DO pay attention to your tone of voice. Just like your physical motions, your tone of voice says a lot about you. Be sure to answer questions in a strong, consistent tone. Avoid wavering or talking too softly, mumbling or speaking too quickly. A good thing to remember before answering a question is to take a deep breath, think for a second, and then begin to answer. This will help you calm your nerves and will give you the opportunity to "look before you leap" when it comes to your important answers. Remember—in an interview, you are interviewing your investment in a prospective employer as much as he/she is interviewing a prospective investment.

Many Indivduals Are Making A Successful Living Marketing Their Loving Interest On The Web!
One of my friends sells used books she collects from several sources.
Do not hesitate to look over my Web Offer or my other web sites.
I pay the same amount monthly that you pay for watching television
unlike a properly maintained website---the television will not give you a return. A Career search should be as enjoyable as going on a holiday. Have a proposed picture of yourself as it must say "I am!" It must be on your mind and with every breath a thanks to your higher self for opening the doors for you to realize into 100% time and reality the focus of your intent! Good Luck!