Sounds from the Past affecting the FutureBe It End Times or Just The Phase of the Moon
Peoples behavior is more irrational today
Are We Told The Truth By Those In Power?
Old timers remember well President Roosevelt's Day of Infamy broadcast, which plunged America into the second world war. There were rumors at the time that Roosevelt knew that the Japanese were about to attack, but withheld this information from his commanders at Pearl Harbor. These rumors were so patently ridiculous, that they were ridiculed as crazy. Now comes an incredibly detailed exposé of how Roosevelt forced the Japanese into war, and the cover-up that followed. Roosevelt was warned by the Navy code breakers, as well as through diplomatic channels, that the Japanese had an aircraft carrier attack force heading for Pearl Harbor—and he intentionally kept this information from his Army and Navy commanders. Now, why on earth would FDR do something so terrible? It doesn't seem to make sense. Well, FDR had two major problems. The first was the war in Europe, which was going very badly. The Germans had conquored the continent and were getting ready to move on to Britain—and had a good chance of succeeding. But, the American public was vigorously opposed to getting into the war. They remembered the slaughter of millions of soldiers twenty years earlier during WWI. 88% of the public was opposed. Roosevelt knew that with all of Europe under Hitler's control, the next move would obviously have to be to America—so he had to come up with some way to change American opinions. He sure came up with a duzy. The book goes into great detail, backed up with 116 pages of references, on how his eight point plan to force Japan to attack us was orchestrated, and how he intentionally put incompetent officers in charge at Pearl Harbor, and then withheld the reports of the Japanese carrier movements from them. He helped see to it that the battleships were in Pearl, but not our aircraft carriers. He felt that battleships were obsolete and worth sacrificing. And so were the lives of our soldiers and sailors, if it would galvanize the American public. The book contains virtually no speculation. Stinnett spent years forcing the Navy to produce the papers that had been hidden away, marked Top Secret. The National Security Agency (NSA) is still protecting over a hundred thousand pages of relevant documents under the cloak of their being national defence secrets. What a crock! Our code breakers had broken every Japanese code, so Roosevelt knew exactly what they were doing. The Japanese fleet sent to attack Pearl Harbor were followed every day by our Navy listening stations at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, Samoa, Hawaii, and Corregedor with their direction finding equipment. FDR knew where they were, and even who their commanders were. He also knew their plan of attack. The plan sure worked. The day after the attack the American public had no further reservations about going to war. Congress declared war on Japan on December 8th and three days later on Germany and Italy. I said there were two reasons for FDR wanting us in the war. By 1941 America was still suffering from the great depression of the '30s. FDR needed a jolt to get the economy going again. The war effort did that, in spades. Even though we knew that Japan was gearing up to take over most of Asia—they called it the Greater East Asia Prosperity Sphere—FDR intervened with American authorities to allow them to buy millions of barrels of oil and tons of scrap iron, right up until hostilities started. We kind of joked at the time that the Japanese had bought the scrap from our tearing down the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th Avenue Elevateds in New York City, and then were shooting it back at us. The Pearl Harbor attack came off just as Roosevelt had planned. It got rid of the no longer needed battleships and totally squelched the isolationists. Oh, there were rumors at the time, but a panel asked to look into the rumors whitewashed everything and all of the damning intelligence reports were either destroyed or put into vaults marked top secret—where they've remained until Stinnett managed to force them to be revealed.--quoting an aritcle from
"Green pointed out that because Booth's prophetic dreams turned out to be true in the 1979 disaster, this lends weight and credibility to his current vision. What Booth dreamed in March 2003, on ten occasions, was a vision of seeing Earth from the perspective of space. He said he saw "a large dark planetary object" coming from under the Earth towards the South Pole. Then a huge decimating explosion took place over the western side of North America, followed by a "ripple" that traveled around the Earth. Booth added that the object was somewhere between the Earth and the Moon in size.
By correlating cross-cultural, ancient and current data, he believes what he saw will take place in the 2004 time frame, as part of a series of events that is started by the June 8th "transit of Venus." Further he suggested that the world governments and the Vatican are already aware of the coming disaster, and he and Green suggested a range of survivalist techniques to prepare. The government, Booth added, will unleash a viral plague on humanity, shortly before the incident in order to cut down on the chaos that will ensue. If they do not unleash a viral plague on humanity just think about the movie "Mad Max." --quoting from an article on
Last week, more cab drivers suffered robberies and stabbings and police notice a very real surge in the number of people involved. Cab Drivers site a important incident where upon three van loads of young people failed to pay for the meals after calling in for a taxi ride home, ran without paying the fare. In another case two grown ups argued over who should pay the fare. The cab driver asked for the fare in advance of any further travel, the female passenger then stepped out of the cab, walked around to the drivers window and proceeded to stab him. The two passengers then ran off without paying the fare. A few days ago, my fellow cab driver was attacked and robbed by a local pickup, who is now under awaiting trial. His brother has been added to the list of suspects in the robbery of cab drivers. His brother tried using a surrated quick flip out knife and failed, he then tried to draw his gun out from the secret pocket in the top lining of his pants, just behind the belt. He failed to draw it out as he still had the knife open in his hand. His last effort was to throw a left punch at the cab driver and take whatever he could from the drivers shirt pocket and run. The cab driver had used his awareness of the situation and the verbal communication as a weapon and out matched the criminal mind frustrating the assailant. This does not always happen. You have to know how to read your assailant.
It doesn't take a genius to note that the police will act on a problem only after the fact! The Criminal will quickly quote you the article and paragraph of the violation from past knowledge and experience. He/she knows how to use the system. •
Listen to the other person and follow the principle of charity: in other words, aim to grasp the intended meaning and give others their due • Cultivate co-operative intelligence; it's not a debate or a war of egos • Pause, and leave a little time for thought to sink in. • As a clan our name is =MoS=, our alleagance to the superior. • We give our word short and sweet, we promise not to cheat. • If you decide to pick a fight, we will surely show our might. • All through the day we blow you away, even at night we stay to fight. • As we play from terrain to terrain, =MoS= will always reign. • When at first you complain of lagg, be sure to look at our tag. • From snipers, gunners and runners of flags, you will surely taste • our deadly frags. • When we aim it's for your head, BANG BANG BANG your dead. • As we win one map to another, you will dread to play another. • Quietly by knife in the night your the ones to taste defeat. • So don't start complaining, it's called experience and training. • As you tremble,shiver and shake, tell them all =MoS= is no fake. • If you wish to fight again, we will show with a big old grin. • The end draws near as I close, the following is to all you Hood hoes. • Ashes to ashes dust to dust, you best not to F*CK with us. • Signed; ARCHANGEL . •